Value Streams
“If you can’t describe what you’re doing as a value stream, you don’t know what you’re doing”
– Karen Martin and Mike Osterling
Understand, Identify, Map, and Manage Software Delivery Value Streams
Steps (VS Transfo approach) avec des exemples
+ Bénéfices / questions pour chaque étape
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ReFocus on....
Des services qui s'appuient sur knowledge et expertise,
> expériences de workshops VS Mapping, initiatives d'amélioration SD...
> (liens) books VS Mapping et VSM, Lean et Lean Sw Devt, other resources on Software Delivery et VSM,
> skills: Skilled Facilitator, mindset mutual learning, roles de consultant/coach/facilitator/trainer
"By 2023, 70% of organizations will use value stream management to improve flow in the DevOps pipeline, leading to faster delivery of customer value."
– Gartner Predicts 2021: Value Streams Will Define the Future of DevOps, 2020