by Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais, 2019 – Organizing Business and Technology Teams for Fast Flow
“Certainly with Project-to-Product, the reference book on the dynamic organization of software delivery teams and their interactions, aligned with business objectives and software architecture.”
What I Liked The Most
- Clear explanations on the relationship between Organization Design and Software Architecture: Conway’s Law and Reverse Conway Maneuver.
- Descriptions of 4 fundamental Team Topologies to enable the fast flow of software delivery:
- Stream-Aligned,
- Platform,
- Enabling,
- and Complicated Subsystem teams.
- Pragmatic recommendations to take into account a team’s sustainable Cognitive Load.
- The book and its companion website provide many industrial case studies.
What Important Lessons I Learned
- Involve software architects when thinking about team organization.
- Use of simple visual shapes to collaboratively discuss teams and their interactions.
- Reshape teams’ organization with the evolution of maturity and context changes.
#teamtopologies #organizationdesign #softwarearchitecture #conwaylaw #teamfirst #cognitiveload