Book: “Sooner Safer Happier”

by Jonathan Smart with Zsolt Berend, Myles Ogilvie and Simon Rohrer, 2020 – Antipatterns and Patterns for Business Agility

Really a very good book that I recommend. It offers a very clear synthesis of the different bodies of knowledge (lean, agile, and DevOps) without forgetting more recent works like Team Topologies for example.
The concepts are illustrated by case studies of large companies, which are the main focus of the book.

What I Liked The Most

  • The introductory chapter (chapter 0), a must-read for anyone wishing to understand the purpose of agile, lean, and DevOps approaches. Nothing is easier, you can download it from the IT Revolution website:
  • The description of the different themes in the form of antipatterns and patterns (even if this necessarily leads to repetitions during a linear reading of the book).
  • The style and clarity of writing with simple slogans to remember, such as “Stop Starting, Start Finishing”, “Think Big, Start Small, Learn Fast”, or “Go Slower to Go Faster”.

What Important Lessons I Learned

  • “Silence is unhealthy”. Amy Edmondson’s study showing that “the more errors a team reported, the more effective it was… better teams don’t make more mistakes, they’re more willing to report the mistakes they do make”.
  • On the same topic, “Organizations reporting the fewest incidents showed the most devastating accidents”. This illustrates the importance of measurement analysis, and the attention to be paid when setting objectives. Should zero-incident or zero-accident be an objective?
  • Role-based silos are no exception in the Safety domain: Information Security, Data Privacy, Fraud, …

#businessagility #bvssh #agile #lean #devops #measurements #psychologicalsafety

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