Books: “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team”

by Patrick Lencioni, 2002 – A Leadership Fable

“A pyramid-shaped reference model that lays the foundations for the success of any collective initiative,
starting with building trust.”

What I Liked The Most

  • The storytelling format (although some characters are a bit cliché)
  • The proposed model of the 5 dysfunctions of a team: Absence of Trust, Fear of Conflict, Lack of Commitment, Avoidance of Accountability, and Inattention to Results
  • Analogies with team sports on individual behaviors in support of collective results

What Important Lessons I Learned

  • Teamwork begins by building trust, which is the foundation for positive contradictory debates (conflicts), enabling commitment and accountability on non-consensual decisions and collective results
  • Establish one overarching goal, because “if everything is important, then nothing is”
  • The role of the leader is essential to demonstrate expected behaviors and create an environment conducive to build a functional team

#teamwork #teameffectiveness #trust #conflict #commitment #accountability #collectiveresults

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