Book: “Value Stream Mapping”

by Karen Martin and Mike Ostersling, 2013 – How to Visualize Work and Align Leadership for Organizational Transformation

“Without doubt, the essential book and guidance for anyone wishing to discover or improve their value stream mapping practices.”

What I Liked The Most

  • Value Stream Mapping is a way to define a strategic direction by a leadership team.
  • Practical guidance and templates to prepare, develop and execute a value stream transformation.
    The two courses on « Value Stream Transformation » by TKMG Academy are a great complement to the book.
  • Clear explanations on the visual representation and key metrics.

What Important Lessons I Learned

  • “If you can’t describe what you’re doing as a value stream, you don’t know what you’re doing”
  • Take time to set the stage with a charter to enable the success of the mapping activity.
  • Need of a value stream manager/owner responsible of the entire value stream performance.

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